Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Our Alzheimer Society

Our world is full of drama.

Wars, hunger, global warming, discrimination...

And you would think.. that the society.. by now.. it must have grown past it right?

I mean we had thieves before, we have them now. We had wars before, we have them now.

So why don't we "evolve" already? What's keeping us?

It's simple. We're dying.

The short life we have, gives us too little time to evolve.

Bare with me..

We are born. We have the first years of our lives in a nurturing environment, to grow healthy, and prepare for the first initiation phase of our short lives: School.

Once we've graduated, we know a little bit about a little bit, and we may also have some life lessons (not all good unfortunately..)

We can't grow past the greed, because "i need to leave my kids a better life for when i'm gone" so you try to gather more and more.. before you die.

We can't grow past our defense mechanisms. Mother nature has programmed us in such a way, to behave, learn and adapt as best as we can given a life span of.. <<average human life>>. Yet our society ideals are way past what mother nature had in plan for us.

We don't see the world as our "Country" because our lives are too short to sort large scale problems. We only sort out the nearest challenge. Be that: a mayor, a president, my house, my neighborhood, my kids.

Because the altruism required to build or invest in a future for all, requires a sacrifice that basically says: "you will not have or see any improvement in your life, but the world will be a better place". Sounds noble and we all "agree" but deep inside.. we don't. Someone on the other side of the planet will eat because i will sacrifice myself is not rewarding (it's cruel, but if you don't agree, go sell your everything, start from scratch, and donate your money). We don't help the beggar because: "it's not ok to encourage them!" (which by the way i agree also.. what can i say.. i have yet to evolve past this too..). We close our eyes. The beggar dies eventually. NOT MY PROBLEM!

(not to mention that this type of altruism requires a giant leap of faith, that my sacrifice will not be in vain - in today's society most likely it will)

Same with the wars, hunger, global warming.

We need resources for My Country! not for us all, but for MINE. It's important that ME, I survive. Not us.

The biggest problem for us is that we are mortals, and it takes a much much bigger man to evolve in this lifetime to be able to tackle the BIG problems.

Now back to our Alzheimer Society...

As i grew, i never believed in the "listen to your elders". Whaaaaat? what do they know? they lived in their era, not mine, they have no idea!

Well.. they do. It takes a certain experience with life, to be able to draw valuable conclusions. (not all elders though become wise, but you'll have the best chance of getting wise advice if you ask an elder..).

My grandmother told me: "think before you act" i was like "yea yea.. whatever". Next thing i know we have a professional course in our company, which if i could summarize would say: "think before you act". She died. As i was remembering her words, and i had this A-HA.. i started to back track.. what else did i miss...

Some elders know. Some elders are able to have the overview and understand certain aspects of life. Their experience is invaluable.

But we die..

And our knowledge gathered after so many A-HA's, and after so many mistakes and lessons learnt is lost.

We keep what we can in books, and get kids through school, trying to promote that peace we ourselves did not manage to establish, in the hope tomorrow will be better.

This is why, in my other article "You can't cut corners", i insisted on saying: "it's ok to FAIL" because you'll get their A-HA's sooner. Ideally we would like to jump to level 100 and be a fully geared human. But we just know the theory, yet we're so far from the practice...

We as a society, learn, then forget, then learn, then forget again, and this all over again. It's an Alzheimer society.

The phrase: "history repeats itself" it's self explanatory all of a sudden...

Our biggest enemy is time.

No, i don't have a happy end to this story, but i do believe that if we get to a certain point when humans will be able to "live forever" or live way longer than we do now. Our society's problems will disappear.

Sure others may arise, but i am too young to know that now.


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